Empty state

Empty states appear when there is no data to display or a user sees a screen for the first time.


    1. Icon: An image or icon that relates to the situation.
    2. Title: A short and concise explanation. Should be for formulated in a positive way, e.g. saying "Create a public uptime page" instead of "You have no public status pages".
    3. Description: Additional information that explain why the space is empty.
    4. Primary action: Recommended the most important next step a user can take.
    5. Secondary action: Optional secondary action if applicable.

    Main title

    A description that explains the empty state.

    Secondary action


    Types of empty states

    In general, there are three different types of empty states:

    1. First-time use empty states: These empty states occur when a user sees a feature for the first time. The empty state should explain the feature, and help the user to take the next step to use the feature.
    2. User action empty states: These empty states occur as a result of a user action, for instance if a user has applied some filters. The empty state should clearly explain why there are no search results and provide a next step to reset the actions.
    3. Error empty states: These empty states occur when data could not be retrieved for some reason. The empty state should explain why the data could not be retrieved (e.g. if there's a permission issue or a system issue) and if possible provide a next step to resolve the issue (e.g. change permission or reload).


    Empty states should always help the user figure out the next step. A user should instantly be able to get answers to these questions:

    1. What am I seeing here?
    2. Why am I seeing this?
    3. What can I do next?


    First-time use empty state

    Status pages

    Create a public uptime page

    Learn how to set up status pages and public uptime monitoring in our documentation.

    <div class="c-box mb-0">
      <div class="c-box__header flex justify-between items-center">
        <h2>Status pages</h2>
        <label class="c-textfield -my-2">
          <input type="text" className="c-textfield__input" placeholder="Filter" />
      <div class="px-5 py-8 max-w-md mx-auto text-center">
        <FontAwesomeIcon className="text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-600" fixedWidth icon={faTrafficLight} />
        <h2 class="c-heading--base">Create a public uptime page</h2>
        <p class="text-gray-700">Learn how to set up status pages and public uptime monitoring in our <a class="c-link" href="#">documentation</a>.</p>
        <button class="c-button c-button--sm c-button--white mt-4">New status page</button>

    User action empty states

    Status pages

    Name & UrlStatus

    No status page found

    We haven't found any status pages with the name "Homepage"

    <div class="c-box mb-0">
      <div class="c-box__header flex justify-between items-center">
        <h2>Status pages</h2>
        <label class="c-textfield -my-1">
          <input type="text" className="c-textfield__input" placeholder="Filter" value="Homepage" />
      <table class="c-table">
            <th class="c-table__th">Name & Url</th>
            <th class="c-table__th">Status</th>
            <td class="c-table__td text-center py-8" colspan="2">
              <FontAwesomeIcon className="text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-600" fixedWidth icon={faSearch} />
              <h2 class="c-heading--base">No status page found</h2>
              <p class="text-gray-700">We haven't found any status pages with the name "Homepage"</p>
              <button class="c-button c-button--sm c-button--white mt-4">Reset filter</button>

    Error empty states

    Status pages

    Something is wrong

    We we're unable to load the status pages. Please try again or contact our support if the problem persists.

    Contact support
    <div class="c-box mb-0">
      <div class="c-box__header flex justify-between items-center">
        <h2>Status pages</h2>
        <label class="c-textfield -my-2">
          <input type="text" className="c-textfield__input" placeholder="Filter" />
      <div class="px-5 py-8 max-w-md mx-auto text-center">
        <FontAwesomeIcon className="text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-600" fixedWidth icon={faExclamationTriangle} />
        <h2 class="c-heading--base">Something is wrong</h2>
        <p class="text-gray-700">We we're unable to load the status pages. Please try again or contact our support if the problem persists.</p>
        <button class="c-button c-button--sm c-button--white mt-4">Try again</button>
        <a class="c-link block mt-3" href="#">Contact support</a>